Prologue (or, In the Beginning)

I am a little hesitant to begin this blog. I have thought about beginning it numerous times, but I have always been held back by a few things.
Firstly, and most importantly, I am concerned that I will say something that later on I realise I was wrong about.
This is highly likely. Whenever I think I have my theology all sorted out, God does something to mess it up. Funnily enough, an infinite and omnipotent God refuses to be boxed in by my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6).
But, I suppose, that is what grace is all about. If I make mistakes, as I undoubtedly will, God can cover me, and will look at my heart.
Hopefully, my heart is one that is always seeking to serve Him.
Though, sometimes, I doubt it.

Secondly, as soon as someone begins to write theology, they will inevitably find that people disagree with them. I know that people disagree with me on a lot of issues, and if I undertake to write about them, then there is a chance I will receive some flack for my views – that is, assuming anyone ever actually reads my blog. 
Not that I am afraid of receiving opposition, but I always want to show what I understand to be the love of Christ, and my hope would be to bring people together to think about God in a loving manner. Flame wars don't really seem conducive to that (Titus 3:9).

But, I do think about God a lot, and I do want to help other people to ponder His mysteries as well.

I could even add that I am qualified to talk about God, having a Bachelor of Theology, but really, in the end that doesn't mean a lot. Yes, I have looked at a lot of the history of Christian thought, read various works by various people, and come to my own conclusions about things as well, but anyone can do that. I'm no more infallible than the next person.

Whenever you read any theology by anyone, you need to think about it, wrestle with it, and not just accept it blindly. Compare it to Gods Word. Find the truth within it (1Thessalonians 5:21).

I got that idea from Rob Bell, someone who I disagree with in a lot of areas.

So, here we are. I'm finishing my first post for my theology blog, and you are deciding whether my views are ones you want to carry on reading.
I wish you all the best in your decision, and in your journey.
Hopefully I'll see you again before too long.

God bless.


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